Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Only in our absurd world, terror is rewarded with statehood

Full article at

Only in the world of the absurd can a despicable purveyor of terror, Hamas, carry out a brutal massacre, killing over a thousand innocent people, torturing, murdering, and carrying out sadistic mass rape, and all this over a space of a few hours, and then run-away home to Gaza, taking with them hundreds of hostages, writes Alan Baker, an international lawyer who served as the legal adviser to Israel’s Foreign Ministry

Only in the world of the absurd can the Palestinian representative organization that encourages, finances, supports and represents such Hamas murderers, be feted and upgraded by the majority of member states in the international community.

Only in the world of the absurd can a group of non-democratic, terror-supporting states oblige the United Nations General Assembly by proposing a resolution that indulges in pampering a terror-supporting entity in a misguided and surreal demonstration of naïveté, of skewed political correctness and acute hypocrisy.

Only in the same world of the absurd can a majority of 143 states parrot their support for what they blindly proclaim to be a “two-state solution” without really understanding what they are talking about, out of total ignorance and stupidity.

And only in the world of the absurd can the majority of the international community deliberately ignore and turn a blind eye to the openly declared genocidal intentions of Iran, Hamas and the Palestinian liberation organization in their efforts to eliminate the Jewish state and kill all Jews. And this while at the same time, nevertheless upgrading the Palestinian representation in the UN.

And only in the world of the absurd can all this happen at the same time as incited and handsomely financed and organized groups of violent, hysterical antisemitic demonstrators, occupy campuses and town centers in the US and European cities, calling for the elimination of the only Jewish state.

Despite the artificial hype surrounding this resolution, the bottom line is that this upgrade does not grant the Palestinians the status of statehood or UN membership that they wished to receive. The UN General Assembly has neither the authority nor jurisdiction to establish states and grant membership status without Security Council sanction.

Despite its call for full Palestinian membership, the resolution distinctly denies and negates any notion of full membership in the UN. As such, the Palestinian delegation remains nothing more than an observer delegation, wherever and however they may be seated.

The resolution stresses that they have no entitlement to vote and have no right to membership of UN organs, including the Security Council.

The regrettable message emanating from this resolution is that the international community is not just turning a blind eye to Palestinian terror against a fellow UN member state – it is encouraging it.

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