Friday, May 10, 2024

Wake up Europe, Wake up America

 ( Submitted by Doris Heilbut)

Last night I stumbled on a news broadcast from Germany showing a demonstration, no, rather a parade of extreme Islamic Muslims in the streets of Hamburg shouting slogans against Israel and Germany, against the democratic order and law. A reporter from Spiegel TV tried to ask one of the guys about the laws they were breaking on their way to an assembly. This heavy bearded person answered in an arrogant way that German laws don't really interest him. Obviously, he was hinting that what they consider applicable are the Sharia laws of the Koran.  On the streets there was a huge crowd of the same type of bearded young men. Far behind them stood a group of women clad in burka and hijab.

Consider this just as an illustration of what will be the general picture soon all over Germany, all over civilized Western Europe, just like the sit-in in the University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

There is need to stress what is happening in the United States, all over their top Universities. Riots, sit-ins, insults, violence, disregard of any law and order of the American way of life.

Wake up, Western World. I don’t know how Islam spread over big parts of Asia right after its conception in the 6th and 7th century, later over parts of North Africa and Europe. It was mostly by means of the sword. Today Islam know they cannot win by arms (except for the nuclear power Iran is building up in spite of all the agreements against it). They have other weapons, and if they are not stopped soon, it will be too late. Years ago, they minted the slogan: “What cannot be achieved by force, will be achieved by the wombs of our women”.  Well, the above-mentioned crowd of bearded men are part of the result. But that was not enough. Under the pretext of humanity, Europe accepted a huge influx of so-called refugees from all of the Middle East and North Africa. Europe was desperate for working hands since the local population was dwindling. Some of these newcomers really came to work and tried to integrate. However, most of them came to enjoy the generous social help with no intention at all to adopt the local culture. Islam was their culture, and still is, and their aim is to take over Europe with it.

They are not in a hurry. Slow subversion will do it. But in the long run, little used churches will turn into mosques. Naive girls will be influenced and enticed by generous presents and will end up covering their too obvious belly buttons in with a Taliban style Burka. In Britain certain schools have already given in to the request to serve Halal food for lunch. In other places, Muslim boys refuse to take part in gym lessons with girls.

For the time being the war between Israel and Hamas occupied Gaza if a pretext to the upheaval both in Europe and the United States. They are not really concerned by the suffering of the Gazans which has been distorted by the fake news coming from there. War has never been a pleasant situation, but it was initiated by murderous Hamas, which was the elected representative of the people. But really, this was a convenient trigger. These Muslims were not so deeply concerned when half a million Muslims were slaughtered in Syria by their own government, cities destroyed and chemical bombs thrown into the neighborhoods. The decade long war of Sudanese Muslims waging in Darfur on other Muslims did not interest the extreme Islamic movements in Europe and America.

So do open your eyes before it is too late. It is almost too late already. Governments and police must operate to save the endangered cultures and ways of life. We want to preserve it for the future generations. We don't want to live like Afghanistan? It is on our doorsteps already.

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