Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Hamas's unit spying on Civilian Population

 For full report see https://tinyurl.com/5n9yhuw3

Files recovered by the IDF show the extent to which Sinwar  was investigating the civilian population through a specialized unit, the General Security Service, which functioned as a part of the government and made use of informants throughout Gaza to monitor dissent..

The people named in the files found by the Israel Defense Forces were then interviewed by reporters, and they described their personal experiences, which matched the information about them in the secret files. 

The New York Times interviewed a journalist in the Gaza Strip named Ehab Fasfous, who was labeled by Hamas as a major hater of the movement, divulging his experience with the agency.

Fasfous was stopped last August on his way to a protest. His phone was taken from him, and it was then searched. The document written about him advised "closing in on [Fafous] because he is a negative person full of hate and only brings forth the Strip's shortcomings."

People in the West support Hamas

Hamas has also been able to obtain a following in the West who have been advocating for the terrorist organization during pro-Palestinian protests. 

In a recent interview last month on Dr. Phil, Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, explained the brutality of Hamas and called such protesters "idiots," which shocked the audience. “They don’t know what they are supporting," Yousef explained afterward. "Hamas is a monster."

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