Thursday, June 27, 2024

Lies Create the Headlines

Polls are still showing that Palestinians in the West Bank as well as Gaza continue to celebrate and support Hamas, with nearly 75% backing the Oct. 7 massacre that killed 1,200 in southern Israel, would seem to dash U.S. policymakers’ hopes of gaining momentum toward establishing a Palestinian state.

For the Palestinians, that’s irrelevant. Why should they bother with arduous negotiations leading to compromise over two noncontiguous plots of land when they already have something far greater and much rarer? Empire.

The ongoing marches around the world to “flood” Western cities, college campuses, and government office buildings, and halt traffic on major arteries and thoroughfares in support of Hamas, are evidence that the Palestinians have managed to create something much loftier than a mere political arrangement of institutions and offices that would make them no different from the 193 members of the United Nations.

Under the rules set by great powers to govern the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, anything is possible. Losing is winning. Crime is justice. Rape is love. Death is life. These are the slogans of the new spirit of the age, the dawning of the Empire of Palestine.

With cooperation of main stream media (MSM), the lies spewing out of the mouths of Hamas are publicized constantly.

a)     NO FAMINE IN GAZA.. there is currently no famine in Gaza, a new report by the key Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) organization has found.  The study found no evidence of deaths from starvation.  (( Now by googling “famine in Gaza” one can see the hundreds of primary sources and articles repeating this lie))

b)     DESTROYED BUILDINGS IN GAZA.. UN and MSM say 70% of buildings in Gaza destroyed.  Official IDF data: 16% of permanent buildings destroyed, 36% of temporary buildings (like sheds) destroyed. 

c)     LIES ALL THE WAY DOWN.. The 70% figures above on buildings, together with the fake famine, all of which are touted by the mainstream media and the UN on the basis of complete LIES from Hamas - - are also the basis for international outrage, UN condemnations, and the International Court of Justice’s rulings.  It’s LIES all the way down.

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