Monday, June 3, 2024

Biden's "Peace" Deal Gives Hamas Everything It Wanted

by Daniel Greenfield  •  June 3, 2024. For complete article see

  • Phase 1. Hamas frees some surviving female hostages and returns the bodies of the others in return for Israel releasing hundreds of terrorists. (Note: 45% of released terrorists return to terror), Then Hamas retakes control over populated areas in Gaza.
  • Phase 2. Endless negotiations for the possible return of the rest of the hostages giving  Hamas opportunity to secure its grip on Gaza once again.
  • Phase 3: US sends billions to Hamas to "rebuild" Gaza in exchange for some bodies of hostages.
  • Phase 4: Hamas plots its next attack.
  • The plan, presented as Israel's proposal, is really Egypt and Qatar's proposal overlaid on Israel, and now put forward by Biden and endorsed by Obama,(who obviously ignored the outcome of all previous negotiated “agreements”) whose people are running foreign policy in this administration.
  • The Biden administration will decide if Israel gets to defend itself based on assurances from Qatar, a state sponsor of Hamas, and Egypt, which was caught red-handed with tunnels leading into Rafah to Hamas.
  • This isn't an Israeli deal or an American deal. It's a deal by Islamic terrorists for Islamic terrorists. And Obama and Biden, two men who have done more to empower Islamic terrorists than almost anyone in the White House except Jimmy Carter, have put their seal on it. It's a bad deal for America, for Israel and for civilization.

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