Sunday, June 30, 2024

Why a Land for Peace Deal With Gaza Can Never be an Option

With thanks to The Israel Guys, see full article at


The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research recently released a new poll citing the opinions of Arabs living in the Gaza Strip, Judea, and Samaria. After eight months of war, it would be easy to assume that the general opinion of the population would be wholeheartedly against Hamas and the atrocities committed against Israel on October 7th but the information shown in the poll depicts a far different reality. What does this poll say, and what does it indicate about the future of these contested areas?

The frightening and overwhelming opinion of the Arabs living in these areas are as follows: 

·        Hamas was right to attack Israel

·        Hamas will win the war

·        Hamas should govern the Gaza Strip and not the Palestinian Authority

·        The majority support Hamas over all other political parties

·        More Arabs support an armed struggle over a two-state solution

These statistics speak more loudly and factually than any chant on a college campus or slanted media headline, proving that, ultimately, peace is as likely now as it was following the Israeli withdrawal of Gaza in 2005. The aim of the withdrawal from Gaza was peace between the Gazans and Israelis, but that has been seen to fail multiple times in the last 19 years, most notably and horrifically on October 7th, 2023. Based on these statistics, the likelihood of this violence to spread appears to be more potent than it has been in recent years since the most support for Hamas was shown in Judea and Samaria, whereas it was slightly less in the Gaza Strip (though a majority still supported Hamas). This bloodthirsty and hateful mindset that is still held by many of the civilians in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria proves that no ceasefire or two-state solution will ever create peace in the hostile environment that envelopes this region. 

It is also well known that many, if not all, of these statistics will be largely ignored by the majority of the world so that the world may better criticize Israel. Thankfully, despite this unfortunate reality, these statistics are not without purpose as they help better educate, equip, and analyze the situation and reality for those who are willing to listen.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Doctors Without Borders Claim, a Fabrication of Truth


Doctors Without Borders claim that Israel killed 
one of its doctors during a military operation in Gaza.

The above photo shows that they do know their own staff.
The one killed was a member of Islamic Jihad

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Lies Create the Headlines

Polls are still showing that Palestinians in the West Bank as well as Gaza continue to celebrate and support Hamas, with nearly 75% backing the Oct. 7 massacre that killed 1,200 in southern Israel, would seem to dash U.S. policymakers’ hopes of gaining momentum toward establishing a Palestinian state.

For the Palestinians, that’s irrelevant. Why should they bother with arduous negotiations leading to compromise over two noncontiguous plots of land when they already have something far greater and much rarer? Empire.

The ongoing marches around the world to “flood” Western cities, college campuses, and government office buildings, and halt traffic on major arteries and thoroughfares in support of Hamas, are evidence that the Palestinians have managed to create something much loftier than a mere political arrangement of institutions and offices that would make them no different from the 193 members of the United Nations.

Under the rules set by great powers to govern the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, anything is possible. Losing is winning. Crime is justice. Rape is love. Death is life. These are the slogans of the new spirit of the age, the dawning of the Empire of Palestine.

With cooperation of main stream media (MSM), the lies spewing out of the mouths of Hamas are publicized constantly.

a)     NO FAMINE IN GAZA.. there is currently no famine in Gaza, a new report by the key Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) organization has found.  The study found no evidence of deaths from starvation.  (( Now by googling “famine in Gaza” one can see the hundreds of primary sources and articles repeating this lie))

b)     DESTROYED BUILDINGS IN GAZA.. UN and MSM say 70% of buildings in Gaza destroyed.  Official IDF data: 16% of permanent buildings destroyed, 36% of temporary buildings (like sheds) destroyed. 

c)     LIES ALL THE WAY DOWN.. The 70% figures above on buildings, together with the fake famine, all of which are touted by the mainstream media and the UN on the basis of complete LIES from Hamas - - are also the basis for international outrage, UN condemnations, and the International Court of Justice’s rulings.  It’s LIES all the way down.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Watch Out America, Check Your Backyard

 For full article see

A threatening development has been brewing largely under the radar of the Biden administration and the mainstream media attention: Iran's calculated expansion into Latin America, from Argentina to Mexico.

With alarming nonchalance, the Biden administration appears to have turned a blind eye to the Iranian regime's concerted efforts to establish a military foothold right in America's backyard. The ramifications of this complacency are profound. The Iranian regime, which, since it began in 1979, has been calling for "Death to America," now has ballistic missiles which it says can reach the US, and claims to have a hypersonic missile that, according to one report, "Can Destroy US In 40 sec."

Historically, Iran's playbook in the Middle East involved the arming and sponsoring of proxies and terror groups such as Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas, with the ultimate aim of annihilating Israel and has carried out more than 180 attacks just since October 7 on U.S. interests in the region.

Now, Iran now seems to be mirroring its same "ring of fire" policy to threaten the United States from Latin America. Iran, for instance, has been cozying up to like-minded socialist regimes such as Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and Cuba, and providing them with weapons and military support, seemingly with the sinister objective of posing a threat to the United States.

Venezuela, near the US, emerges as a key player in Iran's Latin American ambitions. As a potential launching pad for attacks on the U.S., Venezuela appears to have willingly embraced Iran's overtures. Reports from sources such as ProPublica have highlighted the establishment of a joint intelligence program between Iran and Venezuela. This cooperation would encompass arms trafficking; issuing IDs, passports and bank accounts; intelligence sharing, and logistical support. The Venezuelan Armed Forces, with Iranian assistance -- indicating a dangerous escalation in their military capabilities -- have also integrated armed drones into their arsenal.

Iran's growing military capabilities, with ballistic missiles and armed drones capable of reaching states such as Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana and Texas from Latin American soil, already pose a direct threat to the United States.


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Iran hiring European mafias to murder Jews, attack Israeli embassies

Israel’s Mossad reveals ties between Tehran and European crime syndicates plotting to attack Jewish and Israeli targets around the globe and the Paris Olympics.

Iran has enlisted the aid of Europe-based criminal syndicates to carry out terrorist attacks targeting Israeli diplomatic facilities, Jewish civilians, and even the upcoming summer Olympics, the Mossad said Thursday.

Israel’s intelligence agency revealed that Iran had orchestrated a trio of attacks on Israeli embassies in Europe this year, as part of a terror campaign employing local mafias.

The three attacks took place in January 31st, May 17th, and on May 24th respectively, targeting the Israeli embassies in Sweden and Belgium.

In the first attack, a grenade was placed outside the Israeli embassy in Stockholm. The weapon was quickly neutralized and no damage or injuries caused. Then on May 17th, a teenager opened fire outside of the Israeli embassy in Stockholm.

A week later, two grenades were thrown at the Israeli embassy in Brussels. No damage or injuries were reported.

The investigations into the attacks led to evidence pointing to the involvement of the Foxtrot crime syndicate, led by Kurdish-Swedish kingpin Rawa Majid, known as the “Kurdish Fox.”

Majid has evaded arrest for years, and continues to remain at large. The Mossad said Thursday that Iran recruited Majid after he fled to Turkey last September.

Other Europe-based mafia groups are also suspected of working with Iran, including the Rumba group, under the leadership of the Kurdish-Swede Ismail Abdo.

“Iran operates many criminal organizations in Sweden and Europe in general, while taking advantage of the relative advantage of each and sometimes the rivalry between them,” a Mossad official said.

Iran is reportedly targeting not only Israeli diplomatic facilities in Europe using its connections to local crime syndicates, but also Jewish civilians.

Tehran is also suspected of plotting attacks targeting the upcoming Paris Olympics which are slated to begin in Paris on July 26th, continuing through August 11th.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Former "Palestinian" Arab Terrorist Begs Israel to Retake Gaza

Is there a silent majority of Arabs in Israel that actually dream 
of Israel destroying the radical Islamic terrorists that 
are fighting against Israel? No. But there indeed are many 
Arabs who see things differently than the majority of Arabs
 who are unified in their pure hatred to everything Jewish or Israeli.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

IDF responds to allegations of shooting on World Food Program workers

The IDF added that they make "significant" efforts to avoid harming aid workers, UN facilities and international organizations in the Gaza Strip. 

Following a Friday report regarding gunfire heard near teams of World Food Program workers along the Humanitarian Route from the Kerem Shalom Crossing, a Saturday IDF investigation noted that while Israeli forces acted to neutralize two gunmen who posed a threat to troops in the area, no danger was posed to the aid workers.

The IDF emphasized that the gunmen were not close to the UN team during the strike.

The military added that the UN workers were not the target of the operation and were not harmed as a result of the military's strike on the terrorist operatives. 

Reports of a shooting incident in Al Mawasi

Separately, regarding reports of a shooting incident in the Al Mawasi area on Friday, the IDF stated that it is examining the incident, and according to an initial inquiry, there was no direct attack carried out by the IDF against a Red Cross facility.

 According to Palestinian reports, "dozens of Gazans were killed" in the area. 

The investigation's findings will be shared with Israel's partners and international officials, the military stated.

The IDF added that it makes "significant" efforts to avoid harming aid workers, UN facilities, and international organizations in the Gaza Strip. 


Thursday, June 20, 2024

IDF’s Tunnel Destroying Operation in Rafah Could Eliminate Hamas in One Month

By Shula Rosen  (full article at )  

According to an IDF Givati Brigade commander, Israel has destroyed half of Hamas’s military capabilities in Rafah and may dismantle the terror group as a fighting force in Gaza within a month.

Col. Liron Betito spoke to Times of Israel about the many booby-trapped buildings and the complex tunnel system that the IDF was dismantling in Rafah.

Rafah is the last stronghold of Hamas and had four battalions, this has dwindled to half of what it was.

However, at the beginning of the Rafah campaign, Hamas’s Rafah brigades, which were considered weaker than the others, became stronger as terrorists fled from the north into Rafah.

The Givati Brigade has moved deeper into Rafah in the past few weeks and has focused on Yabna, where Hamas has developed its infrastructure.

At the beginning of the Rafah operation, the IDF estimated that just 2,000 terror operatives remained in Rafah, and the number was relatively few because it was believed that many of them had evacuated along with the 1.2 million civilians.

About 550 terrorists have been killed amid fighting, but the IDF estimates that many more have been eliminated through airstrikes.

The IDF says it has eliminated half of Hamas’s fighting force in Rafah, which had four battalions and is left with two.

Yabna (South) and East Rafah have been almost entirely dismantled, while Shaboura (North) and Tel Sultan (West) have been severely disabled.

Betito explained, “The center of gravity is the tunnels. If we don’t [dismantle] the tunnels, it is very hard to control the area. You can be above ground operating freely, but [Hamas] can surprise you from underground.”

He added, “In the end, if I want to hold the area properly, I need to reach underground, locate tunnel shafts, put explosives inside, destroy it, locate the next shaft, and demolish the whole network.”

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Together We Can Win the War

 ENOUGH of the politiking -
we need unity to win the war.

Sinwar doesn't want ceasefire deal, looking to up int'l pressure on Israel

MATAN WASSERMAN JUNE 14, 2024 10:50 

For full article see 

"Hamas wants to earn its reward for the ceasefire at the very beginning and also put Israel in a complicated position," says expert Dr. Harel Horev. 

Following Hamas's rejection of the hostage deal outline proposed by US President Joe Biden, the terror group issued corrections that illustrate the discrepancy between Israel's position and that of Hamas. The gap in position has been previously defined by White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan as "small and insignificant." Middle East expert and senior researcher at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Dr. Harel Horev shed light on the current situation in a conversation with Maariv

Following Hamas’s “corrections” to the outline proposed by Biden, is there a possibility for a deal? 

"It is absolutely clear that these are not small corrections as some of Hamas’s speakers and supporters try to present them. The most problematic amendment is the one that seeks to deprive Israel of all ability to use military leverage in the negotiation phase towards the second phase of the deal.

“This means that Hamas will be able to demand whatever price it wants for the hostages and hold on to them for as long as it wants. This is, of course, unthinkable. Agreeing to this condition might bring the hostages from the first round, but it would be a betrayal, and I have no easier way of saying this, to the young hostages of the second phase, some of whom - especially those that Hamas lies about not knowing their whereabouts - will not see the light of day for many years to come.

Since Sinwar is not stupid and he knows that Israel cannot agree to such a condition, this is another clear evidence that he does not want the deal. There has also been a demand for the restoration of the Strip at the beginning of the implementation of the deal. In this way, Hamas wants to earn its reward for the ceasefire at the very beginning and also put Israel in a complicated position by preventing it from the ability to act.”

What are your thoughts on the US conduct on the subject?

"It is extremely problematic to begin with. In my opinion, they harmed the hostages more than they were useful, based on a distorted reading and a basic misunderstanding of the way operations need to be conducted in the Middle East.

It seems that Hamas is adamant in its refusal

"Indeed. The evidence from the last few days reinforces the assessment that Sinwar does not want a deal yet because he wants to bring Israel to its knees by increasing internal pressure regarding the hostages and increasing external pressure that will destroy Israel's international standing. 

“I think he is too optimistic and, like jihadists, too childish and maximalist in his hopes. The conditions he set show that he doesn’t want the deal.

How long can we remain in this situation in the North, what are Israel’s considerations? 

"I think the main consideration is to concentrate efforts in the Gaza Strip. From a purely military point of view, this is a correct consideration. Israel must not transmit weakness and inconsistency in a frantic transition from arena to arena, with all the frustration and enormous sorrow over what is happening in the North.

“It is better not to divide efforts at the moment because Hezbollah's day will come when we reach that critical threshold in Gaza. In any case, it should be taken into account that in such an explosive situation, the reality can change quickly if something happens that breaks the rules in such a way that Israel cannot help but respond with full force."

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

After rescue, Hamas ordered to kill hostages if IDF operation feared

 David Rosenberg, World Israel News June 10th 20024

The dramatic rescue on Saturday of four Israeli hostages held by Hamas terrorists in the central Gaza town of Nuseirat has led the terror group’s leaders to tighten security around the remaining captives, The New York Times reported Monday, including issuing standing orders to kill hostages at the first sign of a rescue attempt.

On Saturday, Israeli security personnel operating undercover in Nuseirat entered two apartment units where four captives taken hostage on October 7th were being held.

Israeli special operations forces managed to neutralize the hostages’ captors who attempted to prevent their escape, rescue the four captives, and successfully extract the force from central Gaza.

Monday’s Times report, which cited both Israeli and American officials, said that following the weekend rescue, senior Hamas leaders have instructed terrorists holding Israeli captives to immediately shoot the hostages if they believe IDF forces may be approaching.

Following Saturday’s rescue operation, Hamas released a video statement claiming that three other captives, including one with American citizenship, were killed during the operation.

The officials cited in the Times report could neither confirm nor deny the claim, but said that if the three had indeed been killed on Saturday, it is possible they were slain by their captors in response to the rescue operation.

American officials told the Times that the United States has played a significant intelligence role in the effort to locate the captives held in Gaza.

The American military has, according to U.S. officials, run a near continuous surveillance mission over Gaza, using no less than six MQ-9 Reaper drone aircraft.

IDF Lieutenant Colonel (res.) Avi Kalo said the U.S. and U.K. have both provided significant support for surveillance and information collection, calling the joint effort with the IDF “the largest intelligence effort ever conducted in Israel, and probably ever.”


Thursday, June 6, 2024

SICK - Hamas kills IDF combat dog in Gaza and rigs its body to kill troops

IDF Oketz Canine Unit soldiers realize Hamas rigged one of the unit's dogs after it did not return from inspecting a suspicious building in Jabaliya in Gaza; Oketz expects to triple within 5 years as female soldiers join following the unit's success

Soldiers from the IDF's Oketz canine unit sent a combat dog into a building where terrorists were hiding in the Jabaliya refugee camp in Gaza about two weeks ago. When the dog did not return, the soldiers retrieved its body, and only then realized the dead dog was rigged with explosives; this realization prevented human casualties.

Since October 7, the unit has lost about 30 dogs, but it is expected to grow due to its operational success.


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

What America can learn from Israel on the battlefield

Full article Daniel Greenfield,

America has never successfully liberated and held territory from Islamic terrorists. After thousands dead in Afghanistan and Iraq: both countries are now controlled by Islamic terrorists.

Many top current and former defense officials who oversaw both disasters, despite a track record of zero wins, have been criticizing Israel for not following in their footsteps. Everyone from former Gen. David Petraeus to current Joint Chiefs Chair Gen. C.Q. Brown offer the familiar criticisms that Israel is not following the COIN (counterinsurgency) model.

“Not only do you have to actually go in and clear out whatever adversary you are up against, you have to go in, hold the territory and then you’ve got to stabilize it,” Chief Brown argued.55adMore

The problem with this model is that it failed. The United States spent over 50 years losing wars, prestige and young men by trying to follow the familiar strategy for defeating guerrilla armies through conventional warfare followed by efforts to hold and stabilize the territories.

And what exactly is there to show for it? The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) discarded this conventional wisdom for another approach.

Rather than trying to hold territory filled with an enemy population among whom the terrorists move, it has used its manpower to attack concentrations of enemy forces, moving quickly and at times unpredictably, while refusing to get bogged down by trying to ‘hold’ any particular area.

This strategy has frustrated the entire Hamas war plan which like that of Jihadis in Iraq and Afghanistan depended on using terror attacks to pin military units in place, forcing them to defend and patrol a territory, and then exploiting their weaknesses to launch ambushes.

Israel learned a hard lesson from Oct 7. It’s not interested in playing defense anymore. Instead, the goal of the initial stages of the war has been to keep the terrorist forces on the defensive.

Complaints that Israel has to ‘reclear’ areas that it’s already taken miss the point. The enemy population supports the terrorists and so the area can’t be ‘cleared’ or ‘stabilized’. But once Israel has taken control of terrorist infrastructure, it’s better able to understand their operations.

When Israel ‘re-cleared’ Al-Shifa hospital, it took it by surprise and captured much of the leadership of Islamic Jihad and some Hamas leaders as well. Rather than a weakness, re-clearing is a strength because when terrorists return to territory that Israel is now familiar with, it can turn the tables and launch surprise attacks on those old positions.

The Biden administration and some former defensive officials have proposed finding Muslim nations willing to help “stabilize” Gaza afterward.

Not only aren’t such nations available, but Egypt, which controls the Rafah crossing into Gaza, did everything possible to stop an Israeli advance in order to cover up the massive tunnels leading from Gaza into Egypt.

Once Israel went into Rafah, Egypt cut off aid through its crossing into Gaza in order to manufacture another “humanitarian crisis” and allow Hamas to take control in Rafah again.

That is what Israel’s prospective Muslim “partners” are really up to behind the scenes.

Perhaps American politicians and generals ought to reconsider the COIN model next time they get involved in a war.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Gaza’s complete and utter destruction.

 Gaza’s utter destruction.

THIS is why the people march against such brutal military force. Look for yourself: is every building a military bastion and has a tunnel with hostages under it?!!!

Oh wait….this isnt Gaza. Its Vovchans’k in Kharkiv Ukraine.

Can someone let me know when and where the mass demonstrations are against Russia’s clear disregard for the rules of law??

Nah, didn’t think so. No Jews no news


Monday, June 3, 2024

Biden's "Peace" Deal Gives Hamas Everything It Wanted

by Daniel Greenfield  •  June 3, 2024. For complete article see

  • Phase 1. Hamas frees some surviving female hostages and returns the bodies of the others in return for Israel releasing hundreds of terrorists. (Note: 45% of released terrorists return to terror), Then Hamas retakes control over populated areas in Gaza.
  • Phase 2. Endless negotiations for the possible return of the rest of the hostages giving  Hamas opportunity to secure its grip on Gaza once again.
  • Phase 3: US sends billions to Hamas to "rebuild" Gaza in exchange for some bodies of hostages.
  • Phase 4: Hamas plots its next attack.
  • The plan, presented as Israel's proposal, is really Egypt and Qatar's proposal overlaid on Israel, and now put forward by Biden and endorsed by Obama,(who obviously ignored the outcome of all previous negotiated “agreements”) whose people are running foreign policy in this administration.
  • The Biden administration will decide if Israel gets to defend itself based on assurances from Qatar, a state sponsor of Hamas, and Egypt, which was caught red-handed with tunnels leading into Rafah to Hamas.
  • This isn't an Israeli deal or an American deal. It's a deal by Islamic terrorists for Islamic terrorists. And Obama and Biden, two men who have done more to empower Islamic terrorists than almost anyone in the White House except Jimmy Carter, have put their seal on it. It's a bad deal for America, for Israel and for civilization.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

IDF Tries to ensure aid gets to the Gazan citizens

“The IDF’s mission in the Rafah crossing revolves around cleansing the area from Hamas’s terror activity and to make sure that the goods brought into the Gaza Strip will make it to Gazan citizens, rather than Hamas terrorists,” stated a military source.

 In the same context, Hamas has been repeatedly firing rockets aimed at the Kerem Shalom crossing and its surroundings from the Rafah crossing area, exploiting these areas to threaten aid convoys trying to reach the citizens of Gaza.

 Despite ruling the Gaza Strip de facto since the last round of elections and its bloody coup more than two decades ago, over the years, Hamas officials have denied responsibility for their constituency in Gaza.

 In October, Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzouk implied that the terrorist group’s tunnel network was only meant to protect Hamas members, while the rest of Gaza’s citizens fall under the jurisdiction of UNRWA or Israel. Likewise, several Hamas leaders escaped the Gaza Strip to the safety of their patrons in Doha or elsewhere a few days before the October 7 massacre to avoid facing Israeli retaliation.  

Hamas’s relentless abuse of power


Hamas’s relentless abuse of power has plunged the Palestinian people into a harrowing existence filled with fear and deprivation, with daily life marred by violence and extreme poverty.

By stealing international aid intended for humanitarian relief to finance its relentless terror pursuits, Hamas deprives countless civilians of essential services like healthcare, education, and basic infrastructure.

This exploitation is compounded by the group’s iron-fisted rule over Gaza, where any form of dissent is brutally crushed, and those who dare to oppose or criticize are met with severe reprisals.