Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Some Questions Egypt Needs to Answer

(Some relevant thoughts from one of my readers DH)

 I keep wondering what is the role of Egypt in this ongoing war in Gaza.

On the face of it, Israel and Egypt have a peace agreement, Agreement yes, but a cold peace. No direct breach of the peace.

 However, I wonder how could Hamas smuggle all this war material from Egyptian territory, the northern Sinia into Gaza without Egypt’s awareness? 

In contradiction to the original peace agreement Israel allowed Egypt to station much more troops in the Sinai, originally to fight the ISIS presence there. So, none of these troops could supervise the border Gaza? Trucks and Toyota Pickups should be most easily spotted when they disappeared into hidden tunnels, not to speak about materials to build rockets and cannons. 

Wouldn’t Egypt be interested in keeping Gaza quiet? They did manage to keep the border closed for Gazans who wanted to leave the Strip. The Rafah crossing was a one-way street, for goods to go in, but not for common people to go out. No international body ever criticized this.

Where is the diplomatic contact between Israel and Egypt? Are the Israelis afraid to touch a likely delicate problem? Between peoples that live in peace this should not be a delicate problem.

Also, why is Egypt keeping quiet when the Houthis block the traffic in the Red Sea, laying the Suez Canal, Egypt’s main source of income idle? What have they acquired such an arsenal of weaponry for? They should be interested to have their rights maintained for free marine traffic. For whose benefit do they agree to starve themselves or who is compensating them for their enormous losses?

Who would be ready to answer all these questions?

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