Tuesday, July 9, 2024


A division of the IDF has been hard at work locating and destroying tunnels in Shejaiya area of Gaza.

Located east of the center of Gaza City, the current campaign in Shejaiya represents the complexity of the IDF’s current strategy in Gaza. Once thought under IDF control, Hamas has been able to reorganise quickly within the densely packed neighborhood triggering the necessity for the IDF to reengage.

In the wide-ranging division-level operation, six terror tunnels, about six kilometers long, were located and destroyed. While the army has been able to blow up this tunnel system, it appears now that the vast tunnel network under Gaza City can still be used to help Hamas move around undetected. 

Some reports indicate that despite the above ground victories the IDF has racked up, the Gaza tunnel system is far more intricate and expansive than originally assumed. This development presents a challenge to the projection that Hamas is close to being finished. 

With Hezbollah bombarding Israel, the IDF is still stuck in Gaza and instead of launching the much-needed invasion of Southern Lebanon. Should the IDF leadership switch to a far more aggressive approach in Gaza or will they succumb to the status of comfortable indecision?

Israel can either finish this war the victor or remain locked into a decade or more war of attrition.


barry said...

there is no end to the Hamas fighters....all the male population are potential
recruits///so there is no such thing as "eliminating" the fighters.

so there is no end to th war...aonly a truce


Haifa Diarist said...

A truce means a victory for Hamas and the inevitable rebuilding of its power base to be able to carry out another Oct 7th at some time in the future, A truce also means all the brave soldiers who have died, have died in vain.