Sunday, May 3, 2020

Media Onslaught Against Israel

From one of my correspondents

Be prepared for an anti Israel media onslaught in the coming weeks about the intention of Netanyahu to  ' annexe ' certain geographical areas. Such annexation is entirely legal.....

International law supports any future annexation of territories in Judea and Samaria ( the West Bank ) currently under consideration by Israel’s PM , Netanyahu.
Annexation is a misnomer , false phraseology or fake news so frequently used by opponents of the Jewish State.

Reclamation of Sovereignty is the correct terminology .

The League of Nations Treaty of 1922 ( which includes the San Remo Resolution and the Mandate for Palestine) defines the borders of Israel ( formerly called Palestine ) to include Judea and Samaria ( now called the West Bank ) and Gaza . The borders of several Arab countries are also included . These legalities stand for time immemorial.

Paradoxically had Britain not surreptitiously included Article 25 into this document, the legally defined borders would also include the whole of Jordan as we know it today . The inclusion of Article 25 has never been subject to legal challenge and it is unknown , to this day whether its inclusion was indeed legally correct .

The USA , not being a member of the League of Nations in 1922 codified the Treaty into US law in 1924.

When the League of Nations was substituted by the UN ( 1945 , I believe ) Article 80 of the UN Charter further validated , ratified , codified and endorsed the League of Nations mandates and treaties into legally binding international law as they were bound to do .

As unpalatable as all this may seem to Israel’s enemies the legally international binding principles of Acquired Rights ( a nation or nation to be formed once given legal rights cannot have those rights taken away ) , Estoppel ( a nation giving legal rights cannot legally take away or amend or stop those rights once given)and Uti Possidetis Juris ( territory gained in conflict is legally owned by the possessor unless a previous Treaty states otherwise) , further support and validate ( not that any further support or ratification is warranted ) Israel’s rights to reclaim its sovereign territory.

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