Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Talk TV and GB News have broken the back of left-wing media dominance

 One can only hope that the trend referred to in the article below will continue.

Peter Baum, January 19, 2025

I first became aware of how excellent – the ‘extreme left’ were in organized protest when I first became active on social media. I challenged a rabid anti-Semite with facts that debunked the mythology he was spewing about Israel and the Palestinians and within minutes I was bombarded with a barrage of reply posts from his followers ranging from hostile to disgracefully racist. Out of curiosity I chose two other anti – Israeli accounts, challenged them similarly and was met with exactly the same offensive bombardment. Whether on social media, county councils, Trade Unions or University campuses, the far left are exceptionally well organized more importantly, well – funded as we shall verify.

While the silent majority spend their free time watching soaps on TV, attending sporting events, wining and dining or do it yourself tasks domestically, those far-left activists are getting themselves voted on to a committee or sub-committee of local government, charitable organizations, colleges, medical or welfare groups and collectives with the intent of gaining power and influence. They are able to achieve these objectives simply as a result of the inertia of the silent majority.

In the last three decades we have witnessed how mainstream media, the church, academia, Trades Unions, local and government departments have become breeding grounds for those with a far-left political ideology. The BBC being the highest profile publicly funded institution that has evolved into the subservient stooge of all those opposed to conservative and Judeo-Christian values. 

In the USA as in the UK the left – wing media dominated the viewing audience population for decades but very recently the tide has turned. The viewers for MSNBC, ABC and CNN have dramatically decreased to the point where investment analysts are questioning their ability to survive financially as advertising revenues shrink and are on a downward trajectory. 

In the UK two right of center media channels, Talk TV and GB News have broken the back of left-wing media dominance the latter drastically so as it vies for second place for news viewers. The under twenty-five age group are focused on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok or Twitter now X, and this too has seen an output metamorphosis from left to right with the ownership of Elon Musk. And Facebook too, understanding where its financial and political wellbeing is best served has followed the same left to right trajectory. Unfortunately, Wikipedia has now become the outlet for turning fact into fiction, truth into mythology and revisionism. It is losing and will continue to lose credibility but suffice it to say that much damage has already been done.

In my world the most telling factor has been the curtailment of the vicious left- wing posters – not cancelled but certainly regulated. Thus, in the media and certainly with the election of Donald Trump, Canada and a number of EU countries may well be leaning to the right and the signs for conservatives or right of center ideologues are promising. But it is in the streets where the challenge has yet to expose itself. Let me elaborate a little.

Immediately following the atrocities committed on October 7, global protests were organized in all major cities, in support of the Palestinians. This paradox is no longer bizarre, it is the normal popular response the left has identified as their cause celebre. Anti-Zionism, really antisemitism has become normalized and is the most important issue that unites the left. Damn the 6 million black Africans killed in the DRC, these last 20 years ; damn the 600,000 Syrians or 250,000 Yemenis slaughtered by Asad and the Houthis; damn the genocide committed on black African non-Muslims by Islamists in the Sahel; damn the Uighurs, Rohingyas or the tens of thousands of Kurds butchered by the megalomaniac Erdogan of Turkey – only the Palestinians matter.

And the Palestinians matter because the Jews are the opposition. When Syrians under Assad slaughtered thousands of Palestinians who joined the Syrian opposition, there was no outrage. Similarly, when Jordan and Pakistan killed thousands of Palestinians in Black September there was no outrage. When Iraqi opposition and Kuwait helped by the USA killed and ethnically cleansed thousands of Palestinians for their support of Saddam, there was no outrage. Only the Jews, Israelis or Zionists create the conditions for outrage and protests.

Now, here’s the rub. These ‘spontaneous’ protests were similar to those Orwell scribed in Animal Farm. Not only were they exceptionally well organized, but banners, placards, terrorist memorabilia, camping equipment – tents, heating food requirements etc. were all readily available and in abundance. The protests were exceptionally well planned and clearly had been funded by those waiting for the very moment when all hell could be let loose on the pro- Israel block. The progressive ‘as a Jew Jews’ were radiantly orgasmic. You know the type – those who believe they have an intellectual or moral superiority and contempt for Jews who support Israel by prefacing every post or sentence they make with ‘Aa s Jew’. To continue with the Orwellian theme, they are the pigs (now that is a paradox) and those they hold in contempt, the donkeys.

The story to any media outlet worth their salt was not to just comment on the disgusting antisemitic and far left attendees but to delve further into which individuals, organizations and groups are funding the protests. It will be interesting to see if, after the ceasefire agreement, the protests will continue and my guess is that the law of economic returns will kick in and they will gradually become less popular.

I did have one bit of fun with the agitators by posting to my growing band of social media followers, knowing they would poke the far-left mob, that the banners and placards they were using were manufactured by a Jewish company and all proceeds going to Israel. Hell, hath no fury than a scorned Jew hater.

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