Friday, October 13, 2023

Nikki Haley's Advise to Netanyahu


The rude awakening that the Israeli population and the world is still digesting is that Israel has a 1 million+ terrorist country sitting next to them that is the moral equivalent oif the Nazi regime in Germany during World War II. They are largely funded by Iran and they mean every word that they say when they threaten to kill and destroy the Jewish State.

In truth, this should not have had to be an awakening at all. But, we simply did not really take what the enemy said seriously enough. We believed more in our hi-tech security system than the same things that have been effective in previous decades.

True deterrence does not come from tall fences, barb wire, and hi-tech cameras. Of course, they are helpful, especially at stopping car theft. But when terrorists are allowed to run the roost, they will bring supplies by hook or crook. They will manufacture the weapons if they can’t smuggle them in.

The only answer is for Israel to completely overrun the entire Gaza Strip, take over the are completely, and destroy every single weapon in Gaza. Then, they need to send the population packing, not all at once. But, every year, the goal must be to decrease the population by 5-10%. Whoever goes first should be given the most cash. It is a worthy investment.

But more than anything else, Israel must resettle the destroyed Jewish communities. That will show the Arabs across the rest of Israel that terror boomerangs against them. The world will scream and Arabs will scream louder. That is all fine and good. The gloves are off. We must finish them…Nikki is right.

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