Sunday, April 16, 2023

More BBC Lies about Israel


The 10pm News on BBC One TV on 15 April had a piece about the celebration of Orthodox Christian Easter in Jerusalem. (And here on BBC News website). Much of it – by Yolande Knell – concerned the alleged persecution of Christians in Jerusalem by Jews.  Central to her allegation was the restriction imposed by Israeli Police on the number of Christian worshippers allowed into the Church of the Holy Sepulchre to celebrate Orthodox Easter.

But this is yet more demonisation of Israel by the BBC! Israeli Police were simply carrying out the request of the Church itself!

Knell also suggested that attacks by extremist Jews were causing Christians to leave Jerusalem. Let’s look at the factsChristians are thriving in Israel, the only country in the Middle East where they are free to worship and the only one where their numbers are growing. 84% of them are happy with their lives in Israel.

Of course Christians in Judea and Samaria – controlled by the Palestinian Authority  – are not so happy and their numbers have shrunk sharply.  But you won’t hear about this from the BBC –or indeed from most Christian leaders  – like the Archbishop of Canterbury.  Guess they’re scared of being called ‘Islamophobic’….

An utterly disgraceful misrepresentation of the facts. But hey it’s the BBC and hey …it’s Israel ….

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