Tuesday, December 21, 2021

A New Goldstone Report from the UN


Full report at https://tinyurl.com/4t8za3ss

• The UN Human Rights Council has launched the most hostile anti-Israel “Inquiry” in
UN history, headed by the former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, South
African Navi Pillay, known for her direct involvement and support of the infamous
Goldstone Report. Her two deputies have years of experience pillorying Israel.
• The Human Rights Council’s resolution in May 2021 created an “ongoing
independent, international commission of inquiry” with a sweeping mandate to
investigate “All alleged violations of international humanitarian law and all alleged
violations and abuses of international human rights law leading up to and since April
13 2021, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and all
underlying root causes of recurrent tensions, instability and protraction of conflict,
including systematic discrimination and repression based on national, ethnic, racial
or religious identity.”
• The Human Rights Council resolution failed to refer to Hamas at all. It did not
mention – let alone condemn – the launch of thousands of rockets by Hamas into
Israel. Indeed, the Israeli civilian population was omitted from the resolution. The
only civilians mentioned are the “Palestinian civilian population in the Occupied
Palestinian Territory.” Nor did the resolution condemn the use by Palestinian terror
groups of Palestinian civilians as human shields, a war crime.
• The “Inquiry” will have the mandate to ferret out “discrimination and repression
based on national, ethnic, racial or religious identity” and to find discrimination and
repression at the hands of Jews. This is full-frontal antisemitism, an inversion of the
truth, such that the Jewish victims of racism and religious hatred become its
• This attack on Israel is unprecedented in the history of the United Nations human
rights system in terms of the “Inquiry’s” funding, staffing, and permanence.
• The Commission has invited “individuals, groups, and organizations to submit
information and documentation relevant to its mandate. In particular, the
Commission has asked to receive information concerning the “underlying root
causes of recurrent tensions, instability, and protraction of conflict in and between
the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel, including
systematic discrimination and repression based on national, ethnic, racial, or
religious identity.”

• Efforts must be made to encourage governments to condemn the Human Rights
Council’s “Inquiry.” More than 30 nations boycotted the biased and antisemitic
Durban hate fest in September 2021. Their condemnation of the anti-Israel
inquisition will underscore that the HRC undermines the promotion of international
human rights and erodes the standing of the United Nations.

 • The verdict of this kangaroo court is a foregone conclusion. The urgent need arises,
therefore, to challenge its veracity and legitimacy. Answering the “Call for
Submissions” en masse – and ensuring alternative voices reach the court of public
opinion – provides just such an opportunity for all those committed to combating
modern antisemitism and defending the human rights of Israelis.

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