Tuesday, June 17, 2014


The campaign to bring awareness to all corners of the earth is having great success.

The numbers of people "liking" the facebook page https://www.facebook.com/BringBackOurBoysNow has risen to over 89,000.

Also the twitter campaign https://twitter.com/hashtag/bringbackourboys is active in keeping everyone up to date with new activities every day.

A recent entry describes the adding of another aspect to the cause with a donation of a concerned citizen: 

In the next few hours, 150 #BringBackOurBoys billboards and bus signs will be put up across the city of Jerusalem Israel, spreading the word about the campaign to bring 


  1. Let's hope our children will soon be safely reunited with their families and that the international community will finally realize that Hamas is a terror organization. We have a right to live in peace and security.

  2. This poster is not about freeing our children, it is about slandering Islam.

  3. The campaign poster seems more concerned to slander Islam than to bring back our boys.

  4. Whilst one can criticize the content of posters, one should realize the campaign is not one dimensional. With many in the media focusing on criticism of Israel, there seems to an absence of understanding of what Islam represents.l
