Friday, January 29, 2010

Israel Research for Renewable Energy

With Israel in the forefront of renewable energy research, a conference next month at the Red Sea port of Eilat, the conference will provide new Israeli technology companies a platform to present their innovations.

The conference is an international forum encouraging discussion and debate of policies, technology, business and investment practices to lead to cost effective, doable solutions. More than 2,000 people are expected to attend the conference,

Some of the topics to be explored at the conference include: Renewable development in Israel, solar power, policies and regulations, and renewable energy technology. This year's Conference will include an additional track dedicated to the role of advanced energy-conservation technologies highlighting Israeli and other nation's contributions to the field of green building science and carbon reduction.

The European Commission, the executive arm of the European Union, has chosen the Eilat-Eilot Conference for inclusion in the Commission's ECO4B initiative, a select project led by the Enterprise Europe Network which will invest €250,000 in renewable energy conferences taking place over 2010-2011.

"We are thrilled to have been selected by the European Commission and to be included among Europe's most exciting renewable energy initiatives," said the representative of the Hevel Eilot Regional Council. "This grant highlights the leading role that Israel is taking in the global quest for a sustainable future and underscores the great value that the Commission places in Israel’s development of clean energy technologies."

The 2010 Conference in Eilat will include the unveiling of a proposed model for dealing with the energy crisis through the promotion of the key elements required by developed nations to shape a sustainable energy future. These include raising awareness and education, research and development, the commercialization of technology, production of energy from renewable resources, energy conservation and supportive regulation.

Additionally, the conference will serve as the launch of the bidding process for the planned 200 MW Timna Renewable Energy Park, the centerpiece of the Eilat-Eilot region’s efforts to turn Southern Israel into the "Silicon Valley" of renewable energy. Companies from around the world are expected to submit bids to purchase the first plots of land in the park and will then begin construction of the first projects in the park - two 50MW solar thermal fields. In addition to solar thermal, the park will feature a combined wind/solar "farm"; a solarized turbine pilot plant and the production of bio-gas from municipal waste.


  1. Hello Stuart

    Very interesting. I had no idea.

    We must convince the Minister of Energy and the Minster of Environment to support the research of renewable energies.

    We should also convince our government to advance clean energy acts in the Knesset.

    How do you suppose we can induce pressure on the government and the ministers to take up this challenge?


    Ben Dor

  2. グリーでメル友・恋人・セクフレが見つかる!目的に合った出あいが見つかる出会いコミュニティ登場!

  3. 日頃出合いがなくてお困りの方は当サイトをご利用するだけで素敵な出合いが体験できること間違いなし!最高の出合いで最高の恋愛をしてみませんか?

  4. 「オークションちゃんねる」は最新家電から高級ブランド、話題のゲーム機まで人気商品が最大99%オフで落札できる欧米で大人気のオークションサイトです!激安アイテムやまさかのレアアイテムなど掘り出し物を探してみてください!

  5. 芸能人も多数愛用していると話題沸騰のデコログ!日本最大級のコミュニティサイトなので全国から男女が続々と出会いを求めてやってきます!さぁ今すぐデコログにアクセスしてこのビッグウェーブの波に乗ろう!!
